Monday, July 14, 2014

Forex loss because

You may have heard , or if you have not heard before, here's Los eat Forex Trader 95 % .Statistics may not be entirely true . Trader is actually 95 % , 95 % bigenara traders in Los Angeles . But why ? Basic Rules of Forex because they do not adhere . Let's see what's in the Los Forex traders .
1. Experience forex abhabah first glance , but it is easy to remember . Since the gain or loss , guess lots of people got into the trade . Then they will decide that the real trading . But when you realize you can not do that in Los those conditions , how you will deal with later . That is why you need to trade long demote seriously . But most people do not want to trade so much time to demote . He can trade the St. account . If you lose your first two deposits hold Forex . Try to understand the trade . It is easy to see that take a lot of trading .

2. The signal dependent on the signal nirbharasilatah most traders . In the words of friends or strangers to trade . I agree to an analysis by itself is not by anyone , put to the cell by cell . Los pariname . Some of the $ 100 - $ 00 if purchased with the signal . But think of , really of the signals were not always perfect , then why is the signal provider to sell it ? Bill Gates may be the trade by himself . So , anyone hear or see the chart does not trade on impulse .Understand yourself , try to trade with it . Try to learn more . Ask others .

3. An alternative method of trading that most traders do not know uddesabihina by the cell will not be able to. They think that it is once again a rise in price will decrease , while sitting in the cell trade . Thus, Los Eat ajibanai trade . Try to market analysis . See section some basic indicators forex indicators bidipipasa school has given me . With these and other indicators to research . Try to learn some technical analysis . Gradually , all things will become easier for you .

4. Trade : The attention of the big risk is that most people think phareksake Money Making Machine . Think Forex 1 day balance can be doubled . Much larger proportion of its Capital Risk Most traders trade . Seen account has $ 100 , but $ 1 pip value upon open trade . Just move your rated 100 pips, you will be poor . So you decide , start Money Management .

5. Do not strategy thakah You should have a trading strategy . How do you trade , not how to use pip Stop Loss or Take Profit , how to trade volumes , everything should already be set .And you should follow it all the tredei . Otherwise it can be seen in your Permit 50 pipase $ 5 a trade , to take another big risk trade Los 50 pipase $ 50 . So first create your trading strategy .Others see the strategy , which takes the change to create your own your own trading system .

6. self -confidence thakah Many traders are much more confident . Now they seem to increase or decrease the price and trade accordingly without any analysis . But people are the enemy of the people . Do not believe in yourself . See what the market is saying .
Careful when you trade in some thakabenah• Do not be tempted• Do not be Emotional• Do not trade your own personal conclusions• Do not trade with money management follow• comply with the trading strategy• Do not trade without analysis

Money Management

Money Management is a method of forex traders manage their accounts . Money management is very important for forex traders . A good Money Management helps to protect your account from byankaryaptasi. If you follow a good money management is a very low chance of losing your capital Some of the best money management rules include:

1 . Account of the small risk parsenateja StepsWhy is it important to take account of small parsenateja Risk ? This is because you must keep your account alive . Maintaining your account first , and then the profits should be considered .Good traders who can survive on their accounts and are concerned about .If you trade with a low risk of any trade with your loss , but if you are more than able to hold your trade .Low and high risk trade with your trading account total parsenatejera seen an example let down . See how your account is drawn 10 in Los trade can harm.

Clearly shows the difference between the % risk and 10 % risk . None of the 10 trade harena easily pulled . If you trade in the worst , even if you're 10 % of the trade for Risk Capital for Harley you lose 17 % , where 10 % risk per trade if you trade 10 Harley you will lose more than 60% of your Capital . Thus , to understand the importance of money management . If you can not make a proper money management , you can be facing a massive loss .The. Capital recovery kathinah loseIf someone loses a portion of its accounts , how difficult it is to recover ?If you lose 50% of your account , you can gain loss will recover 100% of your new balance . And if you lose 75 % , just before the new balance will be 300 % profit to recover loss . Once you do so , then the enormous Los engage with the Los recover , but who will profit ?The challenge here . Try a demo account for at least 300 % , or 100 % profit on your real account can not. It is not so simple . Money management is important to support this .

3 . Risk ahrioyarda before trade : the ratio ofTo profit from the possibility of a trade to Los ones , and refrain from trading . There are no words that will always make a trade .Example: 1 . Los vs 30 pips 40 pips profitThe. 20 pips 20 pips profit vs lossUdaharanai two o'clock example risk management .Make sure it is open before making a trade risk : reward ratio of at least 1 : II ( 1:3 ratio or greater good ) .This means that you should open a tredai which will tataguna likely to profit from the size of your loss . For example, you can gain 30 pips to 100 pips Pursuant to Los sensible to make trade entry .If you follow the Rules of Money Management , but it will later help you to get out and get stable profit .
Risk : reward resiora See the chart below . Here's a 1:3 risk : reward ratio of the trade was 10 .Los trade for a while , he lost $ 100 dollars . But the $ 300 dollars of profit each has trade profitably .So , it turns out , if a trader 1:3 risk : reward ratio is 50 % if the trade is successful , but they can gain a good amount .

What is Skyalpim

You may have heard the term skyalpim . In order to make a small trade is largely skyalpim .Skyalpim a few minutes , depending on the trade is small . This trade could be the 1 - 0 pips .0 pips profit in the lexical scope can not be called when skyalpim him . Is it normal trade . 
The market is always up - to get out . Utilizing the opportunity of some pips in a few minutes you can enjoy . But skyalpim but risky . Many people do not understand something seen by skyalpim of risk . But should skyalpinyeo analysis . Tredei should be entered without any analysis . The trend toward skyalpim trade meant well. If trade is to gain more sambhabanata compared.
Skyalpim since less time is , so we should trade taimaphreme less time. There are a lot of skyalpim Rules . When you trade skyalpim M1, M5, M15 timeframe can follow . But if you follow the H4 timeframe will not benefit , because the change in the market is at -1 , it is easy to understand that you can not see the H4 chart.

The timeframe of minutes skyalpim more helpful.

Many skyalpinyera are many indicators that follow. But skyalpinye indicators do not work much.Mubhamentagulo because they no longer adhere to the rules of the market is small. 
There are some brokers who do not support skyalpim . Rules of the minutes at many brokers have skyalpim.
The minute you close the trade before the broker keeps the right to cancel it. So you 're trading with the broker, the broker skyalpim Check whether there are any rules.

Deposit and Withdrawal

We suffered a lot in a matter of Bangladeshis . Our country does not have paypal . So we can bring in easy money online . Bangladesh does not have permission to send money outside the bank transfer . So according to the instructions of Bangladesh Bank, the country will not be able to deposit the money . How to Deposit Forex ? You can deposit ecurrency Forex through .There are many online payment processor like paypal . For example MoneyBookers / Skrill (MB), Neteller (NT), Webmoney , etc. . Through all that you can trade online Forex deposit . The International MasterCard / Visa card to deposit . In the absence of rules for sending money to Bangladesh bidipipasa outside only to trade them to suggest that people who work online e - currency earnings . 
You Free - lyansim or to earn from online e - Forex Currency Deposit / Invest can . 
Which is better for the deposit ? 
MoneyBookers / Skrill: To deposit Forex Moneybookers / skrila a payment processor as well .Many brokers Moneybookers / skrila support . Moneybookers is an advantage , but different .Moneybookers allows you to withdraw from the bank directly . Bank Swift Code and the account number you want to withdraw the money within a few days they will send to your bank account .Even your debit / credit card may withdraw from Moneybookers .Neteller: One of the best Forex NETELLER is a payment processor for deposit . Most regulated broker that supports NETELLER . NETELLER Net + MasterCard to provide their own . To withdraw money from the ATM Booth MasterCard you can take . You may withdraw your NETELLER account directly from the bank . Bank Swift Code and the account number you want to withdraw the money within a few days they will send to your bank account .Mastercard: MasterCard many brokers offer their traders . To withdraw money from the ATM Booth MasterCard you can take .Forex brokaragulora rule is that you will deposit the payment processor , you will need to withdraw the payment processor and the accounts . But some will deposit with the broker , whatever that means , to withdraw through bank or MasterCard .

Account Verification

Almost all forex brokers are soon to Verify Identity. Verify that you have joined the company and trade them with the information that it really is correct. Most brokarei to verify. But trade is not without some brokare verify.What to Verify Documents darakarah• Passport / National ID Card / Driving License - scanned copy of the computer• Your Address Verification Documents
Passport / National ID Card / Driving License - Scan the computer kapihTo verify your Passport / National ID Card / Driving License - 's computer to upload the scanned copy of the Forex broker site . Scan your passport or national ID card or driving license, you can upload it to the image format . If your passport / National ID Card / Driving License Unless you can verify . Forex brokarara School , College or University ID card does not verify . But some have said they will verify the account with or University ID card . If the passport is the best . Passport because you will always work . Many information Bangla National ID cards due to the small number of brokers do not accept it .Address Verification dakumentasahAddress Verification Documents to verify that you do to make sure that gave you the right to join forex brokare . Address Verification documents such as utility bills as you anywhere - mobile bills , Internet bills , checking - can pay the gas bill . In other words , the bill inlise your name , address, written, and which is 3-6 months old in order to verify that you can use it . Banglalion , Qubee , etc. can claim the bill .Verify what is important ?Yes. Much better than to claim it because you can not trade brokare . And you do not want to trade online brokare why the favorites , they claim cabe . Verify that Obtain Documents rakhatai so well.I have Documents to verify . What do I do ?If you do not have documents to verify that you are better to issue a passport . It will always work in your next life . Addresses for the Internet Service Provider 's claim to a printed copy of the bill say.Verify the trading ?Yes. Verify that you can trade well . Verify insatapharekse to trade is not mandatory . You can trade brokare without any claim . But someday you will verify that InstaForex Authority reserves the right to seek Documents . Many brokare Verify is not mandatory . Verify that you can trade without much brokare , but to a large payment before you need to claim . FBS, Fxoptimax can begin to trade without including many brokare verify . But when you get the payment you need to claim .

Account Opening Information

For opening forex accounts which need : 
Most forex brokers provide the following information in case you can be tracked at the time of account opening

• First Name ( your first name )• Last Name ( your last name )• Address ( Address )• Email Address ( your email id )

They met before you have the time of registration to the site , so you are familiar with them .With the following matters which you may not have known at the time of account opening you must select . 
Swap ( swap ) losing interest. If you select the option to swap interest rates based on the country's central bank to open the trade , or you will pay the interest on the interest you will earn . Interest is forbidden for Muslims , and the swap is not worth taking . If you do not take interest in Swap , select No . 
Leverage ( Loan ) in Bangladesh share market, where banks sarabbacca 1 : The ratio gives lona banks , forex brokers forex from there you can get lona up to 1:500 . Some forex brokers even 1:1000 Loan and gives meaning to the Loan Capital 's over 1000 times . Higher leverage , the more likely you will be able to open up trade . Therefore , the use of forex leverage 1:1000 5 minitei you can double the money .

But do not get blown to the lobhati , always a little leverage in trade use . Remember , the amount of market movement will count in your favor when your balance , your balance is zero if exactly the same amount of market movement will float . 1 , 50 is enough for leverage forex trading . 
Account Currency ( account currency ) - USD or USD choosing to select . 
Account Type based on your deposit account that offers a variety of forex brokarara . Every Forex broker offers independent . If your deposit is less than $ 1,000 Micro, 1000 - 10,000 dollars and 10,000 dollars or above the Mini can select the Standard .Many forex broker account with them without attested dollar deposit / withdrawal (deposit / withdrawal) will not offer or impose various hurdles . It's not that they are forced to comply with their reguletaradera Money Laundering Policy . If you scan the following two types of documents you need to upload to your account - 
• your passport / driving license / National ID• Scan the card for verification of your pictures .• electricity / gas / water bills or internet / mobile bill or bank statement scanned for verification of your address .
It's the international rules. But all the different regulations in different countries . So do not say anything to verification forex broker .
The broker accounts to verification , with which forex broker to deposit in the account , then bheriphyai .

What profit Demo trade ?

With demo trading Forex you can learn the various techniques of  
You can test various trading strategies
be able to identify the cause of your loss, and it can take up for
You can check the effectiveness of any EA or indicators
Total for improving your trade demo trading will help you in many ways.

How long should the demo trading?

Demo trade should be at least two monthsBut there is no time.

What is Demo Account

You may be interested to trade forex. But you do not know how to trade forex. To many pips, leverage they have heard, but did not trade anything they do not understand. So you may be afraid to Invest in Forex beginning. Because it does not nothing, to Los sambhabanatai ones.But in this modern era, but no money to spend, you can trade without Test. Just have brokarara demo trading system. Demo account allows you to practice trading with virtual money.
You can demote Los, can not rule out even the balance, there is no problem. It will only increase your skill. The more you trade, the more you learn the trade. You better start trading before learning should not be your real trade. But then because of your loss will sambhabanai.When you trade with a demo so you 'll be pleased to trading, then you should just start real trading

How Forex gain / loss

How  Forex gain / loss 
Forex Market by you (buy) or cell (sell) service.It's easy to open a trade . Trade opening procedures are simple and if you have the experience to trade in the stock market , but you can understand it quickly .Please note exchange rate to 1.1800 EUR / USD - 10,000 euro bought $ 11.800 dollars on . Two weeks later, the EUR / USD exchange rate increased by 1 . 's 500 is .When you have $ 1 , $ 500 if you sell it at a profit of $ 700 USD .Exchange rate is the ratio of the price of a currency relative to another currency . For example, USD / CHF exchange rate of the point , how the UK . S. . Swiss Franc exchange can be bought for $ 1 , or 1 UK . S. . How to buy dollars to Swiss Franc .How to read Forex QuotesEach trade , you buy a currency and simultaneously selling another . Quotation of the price of the currency pair on the Forex market is to be expressed through . 
GBP / USD Foreign Exchange Rate as follows:
Slasa ( / ) is called before karensike base (base) currency and slasa ( / ) is called the next karensike kiuto (quote) currency .The GBP is the base (base) currency and USD is kiuto (quote) currency .By (buy) , while the exchange rate indicates how many units to purchase 1 unit of the base currency will give kiuto currency . 1.51 British pounds for the purchase of 1 to 5 Yu udaharanasbarupah . S. . Dollars will pay .Cell (sell) , while the exchange rate indicates how many units to 1 unit of the base currency, the cell can be found kiuto currency .Udaharanasbarupah when you sell 1 British pound 1.51 to 5 Yu . S. . Will get dollar .The base currency is the foundation of mania and Cell . If the EUR / USD mania , then you are buying the base currency EUR and USD currency sale kiuto doing the same . Simple words , EUR Buying , USD selling .If you believe that you can do by currency pair , kiuto currency will be stronger than the base currency . Do you think you kiuto currency of the cell than the base currency is weakening .Long / short (long / short):First you must decide that you do not mania to cell .If you want to by ( the base currency is bought and sold currency kiuto ) , that means you want to increase the price of the base currency and sell it to pay the price even more . Called traders in the long (long) or taking long positions . Remember , Long -by = (long = buy).If you want to make the cell ( the base currency is sold and bought kiuto currency ) , that means you want the base currency to lower the price and you can buy it at a lower price categories . Traders say it in short (short) or take short positions . Remember , short = Cell (short = sell).
Bid / Ask (bid / ask):Show all price are two forex kotesane . Bid and Ask . Almost all cases of the bid price , the ask price is less The bid price is the price of a currency broker kiuto wants to buy the base currency . That is the best price bid for the cell .Ask the broker at a price that currency kiuto wants to sell the base currency . That is to ask for the best price by .The difference of the bid and ask spread (spread) is known.EUR / USD - 1.3456 and the ask price is the price is above 1.3458 kotesane bid .That is , the spread is 2 pips .If you click on the cell to 1.3456 - do the cell . If you click on by , but you 1.3458 - buy the will.

Currency pair / pairs

Currency pair / pairsForex trading is the simultaneous purchase of one currency and selling another currency . Pair any broker or dealer or a pair of currency and trade .Udaharanasarupah Euro and UK . S. . Dollar 's even EUR / USD or the Japanese Yen British Pound and Weld GBP / JPY.When you do forex trading , Pair , or even through you to purchase / sell it.Please note , this fetter on both sides of the country's economic situation . Exchange rate rise - varies depending on when the currency strengthens .Major currency pairs - Headlines :Is considered as the main currency pairs currency below peyaraguloke . These currency pairs to trade the USD pairs and are a snap . This pair of primary liquidity in the world and they are the more trade .The main cross - currency or minor currency pairs - Headlines :UK . S. .Peyarasamuhake cross currency other than the dollar - the currency pair or pairs is called the cross . Major currency pairs, known as the krasagulo . In the trade cross peyaragulo - EUR, GBP and JPY to.Exotic PairsAs complementary to another currency with a major currency pairs which are linked to the Exotic Pair .This is brokare forex currency trade some peyaragulo .These pair of main and cross trade is not the dozens .Exotic peyaragulora Spread EUR / USD or USD / JPY for more than two or three times . So if you want to trade this Exotic peyarasamuha , but do not think about it .

What is leverage ?

Leverage or margin loan multiplied by the maximum loan on your capital will give your forex broker .Suppose you have 100 dollars in your balance or capital . If 1 , the use of leverage was 200 , then when you trade in your broker will loan you up sarboccya 200 times . Now this is how you spend the loan amount .So with a 10x 200 = 2000 dollars to 10 dollars to trade .

Loans up to 200 times .... If I get good , then why not nibo ? The stock market, 1 : 2 do not want to lonai .For example , when you deposit $ 10 , just did not use leverage , 1:1 , means not taking any loan . In that case, the broker will not allow you to open a trade larger size . $ 10 to open trade with the larger extent , the extent of the trade will be open . In that case , the market may move 50 pips in your favor you will gain 1 dollar . Every day a different currency pairs generally move 100-300 pips .So you tell us , the loan would only gain more and more in order to open the trade . If you have any broker- 1 : 00 leverage to offer , then you will be able to trade the 10 for $ 000 dollars . And so , before the profits of it, will get more than 200 times . Similarly , the loss would have been , if 1 : 200 leverage the full use of the 200 times he will lasao . If the market will move 50 pips in your favor would have won $ 1 million , now you will receive 200 dollars .Loan broker will give you the answer . So good profit , loss of time , if your loss is equal to your capital , then it will automatically close your trade . Capital you have any broker , he will go over to Lacey 's your trade . Forex Margin Call eitake say , the Forced Cell stock market .Brother , this is terrible , I said ! I went to open trade by using more leverage is equal to the capital loss , then you 'll become a bankrupt or what?Straight Bengali words , yes ! So , why not leverage any setting , while the balance of trade opening times bigger than the proportion of open trade . Some people say that Forex Capital or two times in one day , three times sambhabha be . If luck is possible approval . But taking risks in this trade will drink it down I was not caught .

Spreads , Stop Loss and Take Profit

When you see a trade open will open trade, somewhat Lacey. Asia to spread . Forex broker to open a trade commission or charge fees as this takes a cut .Suppose you are asked by GBP USD at 1.7445, but that it will open at 1.7449 is 3 pips fee applies . If you are open to trade with $ 1 pip value $ 3 Lacey will open the trade .
Spread the pairs are different . May be spread across less than the broker again . Spread of 3 pips on the EURUSD makes Instaforex . But Fxoptimax the pip spread on EURUSD . Spread to pair up some 30 pips or more may be . So weird to see how much it should be spread before the pair trade .Stop Loss and Take praphitahStop loss (stop loss): stop loss price at which the trade -off you have your Lacey and want to be able to fix .Take Profit (take profit): Lie on your return profit , you want to trade off any praise can fix it .Suppose , on the one by 1.3540 and open trade . Do you want to gain 50 pips and 50 pips loss not more . If you set 50 pips Stop Loss and Take Profit of 50 pips can . Your computer is off or a sudden price increase or decrease as a result of the spike , the Stop Loss or Take Profit praise will automatically close your trade .

What is Timeframe?

Timeframe : 
We have a specific timeframe for 5 minutes, 15 minutes , 1 hour , 1 week or 1 month Price Highest grew or declined so much that we can learn . If we look kyanadela 1 to 5 minutes , then we realize it paraboh• No praise was started kyanadelati• No praise is close kyanadelati• What is the highest price that grew at 5 minite• The 5- minite minimum price declinedUse the following taimaphremagulo is generally higher because they have been in MetaTrader 4 . But in the MetaTrader 5 allows you to use custom timeframe .• M1• M5• M15• M30• H1• H4• D1• W1• MNAre you looking for any specific timeframe kyanadela no 1 can understand how those at the price movement .

No taimaphreme will trade ?
It kind of depends on what you want to trade . However, should you choose skyalpim M1, M5 or M15 to trade . If you want to trade in general , or a long- term , but your M30, H1 or H4 should trade at . If interested , swing or position trade your week or month should be taimaphremaguloke analysis .

Sunday, July 13, 2014

How can i know my broker Micro Lots , Lots of mini- lot is not standard ?

How can i know my broker Micro Lots , Lots of mini- lot is not standard ? 
Micro account allows you to trade micro lot trading point . InstaForex , HotForex , laitaphareksa etc. brokaragulo Mini Lots broker . Ephabi S. , F. . X . Aptimaksa etc. Lots broker brokaragulo Standards . If you do not know your broker Micro Lots , Lots styandarda Mini Lots to do , then the broker Live saporte question . Many have given their website . Or to open a demo account with them to open a trade with 1 lot . $ 10 USD per pip is found that a change in the profit or loss of the broker , but understand it's standard lots . And do you see that changing in the $ 1 dollar , you get a mini- lot broker . Lots of changes and understand the micro broker 10 cents . But some brokers are different at different account type is lot size .

What is Lots / volume?

Lots / volumeCan we make a profit on the Forex market change per pip . 1.17 from the price of 1.1710 10 pips profit or loss , we will be at 0 . Lots / volume is determined by the pips in our favor or against clear that if the amount of profit or loss to us will . 
We are for the benefit of 3 into forex brokers .• Standard Lot broker
Mini Lots broker 
•Micro Lots broker

Standard Lot brokare 1 lot = $ 10 / pips . But Mini Lots brokare 1 lot = $ 1 / pips . The Micro Lots brokare 10 Lot = $ 1 / pips .Means , you can open a trade with standard lots brokare lot of the 1 and 10 pips in your favor is your gain $ 10x10 = $ 100. Although similar loss would be $ 100 .But , you open a trade in Mini Lots brokare lot of the 1 and 10 pips in your favor , then your profit is $ 1x10 = $ 10. Even $ 10 will be similar to the loss .And , if you brokare Micro Lot 1 of Lot 10 pips in your favor , and you can open a trade , your profit is $ 0.1x10 = $ 1. Although Los Angeles is doing $ 1 . 
Standard Lots brokareh• 1 standard lot = $ 10 / pips• 0.1 Standard Lot = $ 1 / pips• 0.01 Standard Lot = $ 0.10 / pips• 10 Standard Lot = $ 100 / pipsMini Lots brokareh• 1 mini lot = $ 1 / pips• 0.1 Mini Lots = $ 0.10 / pips• 0.01 Mini Lots = $ 0.01 / pips• 10 mini lots = $ 10 / pipsMicro Lots brokareh• 1 Micro Lot = $ 0.10 / pips• 0.1 Micro Lot = $ 0.01 / pips• 0.01 Micro Lot = $ 0.001 / pips• 10 Micro Lot = $ 1 / pipsStandard lot here surely understand , the difference in Mini Lots and lots of micro . Just like a lot size to their advantage brokarara .Most brokers will allow you to trade a minimum 0.01 lot . That is , the minimum pip value can brokare Standard Lots 10 cents . But Mini Lots brokare you can take a minimum pip value 1 cent . You can take a minimum pip value and Micro Lots brokare 0.1 cents . So if your capital is low , then you trade mini lots or micro lots allows brokare with less risk .The only thing that you can do 1 lot , 0.1 lot or 0.01 lot can not trade , you lot want .5 , 1.3 lot, custom lateo trade can happen .

What is Pips and pipetisa?

PIPS ( pips ) :4 t the number after the decimal currency pair in the Forex market every single one is changed or mubhamentake PIP or PIP. PIPS or the PIP of the plurality of pips, such as Market has changed 120 pips today. That is, the market has changed today, 1 0 pips. Many of the points and the pips. However, the most widely used internationally pips e.Do pips, it is a good idea for most people spend a lot of time left. Let's see, if we can learn anything easier to udaharanera .An example 1 :Your terminal ( your broker to trade the software ) was open. Saw, EUR / USD was 1.4340 and the 1.4345 currently .How many pips are changing ?To find out more niyamah - low = 1.4345 - 1.4340 = 0.0005I said pip count starts, the number of decimal places to number four. Forget the decimal, it 's easy calculation are:4345-4380 = 5That is, the market has changed to 5 pips .Then say,An example of :GBB / USD 1.5630 to 1.5639 from the left. What did the pip move markets ?5639-5630 = 9 pips .More kichuhMarket Movement (EUR / USD)Prior 1.3450 , now at 1,343 = 3450 - 343 = 18 pips of market movementPrior 1.3450 , currently 1.3550 = 3550 - 3450 = 100 pips of market movementPrior 1.3750 , now at 1,343 = 3750 - 343 = 318 pips of market movementPrior 1.4450 , currently 1.3450 = 4450 - 3450 = 1000 pips of market movementI hope you understand. Steps to Test YourselfPuzzle by :EUR / USD was 1.3570 earlier, currently 1.3550 .What did the pip move markets ?If you understand that you are approaching on the right track .You need to have the idea of pips Sacha, because -Forex market is calculated in pips movement . Often hear the Euro / uesa D today has risen to 00 pips. The market is too move, 5 minutes, etc. has risen 100 pips .
Pipettes ( pipetisa ) :5 digits after the decimal are some brokare price . For example, the 561 1.4 . The fifth digit in the woods so . So the price of the 1.4 and 1.4 at 561 is at 667 , but it will be increased to 10 or 106 pips 6 pipetisa pipetisa has changed .

What is Currency Pair :

Stock market rules, the country's currency against the value of the shares will be determined . For example , in our country's stock market value of the shares is determined at .Thus, the currency or currencies in the forex market it is impossible to determine the value . Just can not stay in the euro or dollars worth . 1 For example, the money is available for $ 73 . Now only 0.70 euros or 0.93 Australian dollars , with 1 dollar possible .Equality of the Japanese is seen again , then you are paying $ 1 to get 80 yen . So , what is the dollar value ? People in different countries to trade the forex market , the price they will buy dollars ?All currency pair is trading in the Forex market for this reason .For example , EUR / USD ( Euro / uesadi ) , a currency pair. Currently 1 EUR / USD = 1.4434. This means that 1 euro 1.4434 dollars you get. Oh , I forgot , USD = United States Dollar or USD . Put simply , say , which we know the dollar .Let's have a look at some of the other currency peyarah1 AUD / USD = 1.0543, 1 Australian dollar , which means you will receive 1.0543 American dollars .1 GBP / USD = 1.6422, which means 1 pound 1.64 Twenty dollars will get you through .1 NZD / USD = 0.8177, 0.8177 , which means you pay $ 1 New Zealand dollar pabenaca1 USD / JPY = 80.29, which means you're paying $ 1 80 . Receive 9 Japanese yen .1 EUR / JPY = 115.91, 115.91 Japanese yen , which means you will receive 1 euro .It is now understood currency pair ?Brother , I write a little rotates ? That means you wrote it , 1 EUR / USD = 1.4434 I like EUR / USD entering USD / EUR write , then there is no problem ?Of course not . But remember , the first currency in the currency pair indicates how much of it you will find the next karensita .1 EUR / USD = 1.4434. This means that 1 euro 1.4434 dollars you get.Then , 1 USD / EUR 1 indicate how many euros you get dollars . The answer is just the opposite , 1/1.4434 or 0.6928There 's a little test you , to see you did not learn anything . In the north you can take , the posts are given below . Be careful, do not answer , but stolen !Puzzle 1 :1 EUR / GPB = 0.8708, what does that mean ? You can also take help from , and you can take in answer to the bottom .Could still remains a question , you can continue to take the number after the decimal is why so many ? For example , 1 EUR / USD = 1.4434 stating why? 1.44 is that when you type . This precision is not yours the stock market , the money value of the shares is 0 , not 1 to 60 , or maybe 00. The share price ended at 0 . 's 543 not hear it . Why is yours so much ?Currency in any currency pair in the Forex market is the ratio of the first two . For example , EUR / USD , which means the dollar will get 1 euro . Share with market shares of the banks of the confluence of the Meghna Cement We 1am when many shares do not think it 's calculated .And so , we fill in the share price of most of the country's stock market , but the share price dasamike .The forex market has been taken up in columns 4 the house because the Forex market movements are usually more at home after the decimal is the number 3 and 4 . So it has been considered the standardLet's have a look at a glance, from 6 June to 10 June , 011 , at 5 days EUR / USD is the price :EUR / USDDate - day maximum - minimum day6 June , 011 - 1.4558 - 1.46587 June , 011 - 1.4564 - 1.46968 June , 011 - 1.4565 - 1.46959 June , 011 1.4478 - 1.465310 June , 011 - 1.43 3 - 1.4551As you can see it in the market, which is to move the columns after the second , the 3rd and 4th house .[ Puzzle 1 Answer : 1 EUR / GPB = 0.8708. This means that 1 euro will get you £ ¬ 0.8708 ]

What you need to Forex Trading ?

 Your Internet conect have a PC or Windows Mobile ? So enough.How do I buy dollars or other currencies will sell ?To trade forex, you first need to open an account with a forex broker and it would have to deposit . Accounts can be opened easily by the minute online. You will find several online currency such as paypal, Alert Pay, Liberty Reserve, etc. Immediate and can deposit in your account and you can start trading Forex .However, most people usually are deposited with the bank is forex brokers . If , after opening the account, your broker will find detailed information on bank account number and bank deposit .When completed, the deposit to your account , you can begin to trade . Forex trading online is done through software . This software allows you to download for free from your broker website . Install the software provided by the broker , sign in with your user name and password pair is simply a variety of charts and price list will be loaded and you open your trade / can not close .